Friday, November 19, 2010

Life List

Part of the reason I want to actually have a blog is to be able to look back and read about all the cool stuff I've done. Which boils down to pure narcissism. And you know what? That's totally cool with me.

Now I make a point to do cool things as often as possible. Please note that my idea of cool is wrapped up in layers of things like: spontaneity, off-kilterness, originality, and, above all, enthusiasm. I respond very well to other people's enthusiasm. My mind goes something like this: "You're excited about something? Fantastic! It must be wonderful. Please tell me all about it and let me try it out, too." This mindset makes everything better, I promise.

One thing that a lot of the bloggers I adore are enthusiastic about are Life Lists. Do you know about Life Lists? Do you have one? The woman who introduced me to the idea was Maggie Mason, the delight behind (Ugh, by the way, I need to LEARN how to blog - stuff like making my links look way cooler, adding and giving source credit to pictures, making a non-generic background, a cool header-thingy, etc.)Life Lists are a means of dreaming big and encouraging yourself to life just as big. They make me happy.

So, to keep track of the *super* cool stuff I plan to do in my lifetime, behold my Life List (as of right now):
-Write a young adult fiction book
-Get a book published
-Sew a warm and stylish winter coat
-Give all handmade gifts (made with my hands!) for Christmas
-Have a yearly vegetable garden
-Can a summer harvest: tomato sauce, pickles, jams, salsa
-Get married
-Have more than one kid
-Learn to take really good pictures with a nice camera (and learn how to not destroy said nice camera)
-Become fluent in Spanish
-Become fluent in another language
-Live outside the US again
-Learn to sail a boat
-Become awesome at hula hooping
-Go on a week long camping trip
-Drive cross country
-Travel to 6 continents
-Practice yoga
-Fly in a sea plane and land on the water
-Plant a fruit tree in my yard
-Learn to direct and edit video
-Go back to school and study psychology. Focus on birth order and personality.
-Have a pen pal
-Paint all the rooms of my house with bright, beautiful colors
-Bake a wedding cake
-Shoot a bow and arrow
-Have a piece of jewelry designed for me
-Have perfume designed for me
-Sell something on Etsy
-Learn how to surf
-Spend time in South America
-Take a vacation with my sister
-Complete 10,000 acts of kindness
-Go to Ireland with my parents and sister
-Go to Scotland, Italy, Brazil, Peru, South Africa, Mexico, New Zealand and Thailand with Pete
-Build a tree house

(I will also have to learn how to cross things off a list in blogger. Jeez. This stuff is complicated)